Resume Advice Thread - February 28, 2017

Hello seniors, I am very thankful for this opportunity to have my resume checked out my experienced developers, so here is the download link to my CV.

I am running a WordPress blog to have a space dedicated to a visual representation of my projects which has gone down relatively well with employers. I have attached a screenshot of several of the posts on there, but so far I only have University projects to show off.

I have had one onsite interview and a telephone interview from maybe the 6 opportunities I have applied for.

I majored in History and then took a conversion Masters to follow a Computer Science career. I did a bit of programming in my young teens starting at 13, where I created a cheat code website in HTML4 and CSS2 only. This website went down well in my school and I monetized it a little with a Google Ads widget, this would have been around 2005. I got some summer work as a HTML Admin but as I got older I steered away from computing as there was no support in my school to follow this career path, Computing classes in school were mostly word processing and spreadsheets. After graduating my History major I realized I wanted to code full-time.

Class ends in April for a month of exams, then in September I start my dissertation, which is submitted in December 2017. I get my degree March 2018.

I am looking for work as soon as possible once exams are over, as I am struggling financially. Any and all advise is welcome, in regards to finding work, and my CV. I am UK based.

/r/cscareerquestions Thread