Rethinking "Not Your Keys, Not Your Crypto"

I get better sale prices for the risk of using bisq, and strike gives me better buy prices for the inconvenience of their stripped down services and interface, essentially requiring the use of my own wallet. I am conscious of the fact that there is more risk involved, but there is some satisfaction to me in handling the intricate details of transactions. Perhaps I have too much time. Whatever the case, I can't see using a cex anymore except insomuch as they sometimes have a good visa or mastercard for rewards in crypto. I make money every time someone buys from me on bisq regardless of what is happening on the market, because I get almost 100% of the convenience cost of making the bitcoin available, and there's no spread/shoulder to grift anyone out of money. I just say how much I'm charging and someone pays it. It just feels better to me. I look forward to the day someone tries to rip me off because then I won't send them the bitcoin and ill pocket their entire security deposit on a transaction.

/r/CryptoMarkets Thread