Retro cyberpunk vs. actual cyberpunk: what should modern cyberpunk look like?

If you're interested in a cyberpunk work that deals more directly with today's political realities from racial inequality, the prison-industrial complex, unwarranted police shootings, drug war, jobs and infrastructure collapsing under kleptocracy (Flint Michigan, etc), mass-unemployment due to automation/AI/robotics compounding economic implosion and dissolution of the social fabric, "Let-them-eat-cake" levels of alienation between the astronomically wealthy elite and "99%", the gradual implosion of democracy through corporate coup-d'etat, turning of free press into mouthpieces of billionaires, and establishment of ostensible "Technocracy" (post-democratic oligarchy) in its place and emergence finally of neofeudalism -- a world in which living a life above 3rd world standards means swearing allegiance to a dynastic descendant of a Trump, Walton, Koch, Soros, Zuckerberg, etc. etc. in which you have purported 'free society', yet to say, code, publish, litigate, or do anything counter to your "Lord's Estate" results in figurative or literal beheading. A world where all worker rights, civil rights, human rights, bills of rights, constitutions and laws themselves that have evolved since the Enlightenment have been destroyed and replaced with a single right: to do whatever the King -- a CEO/President/Supreme court rolled into one -- says, or else.

If that sounds like a sort of cyberpunk you might be interested Neofeud is an adventure game that might be something to check out.

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