“The Return of an Indie Metroidvania - Axiom Verge 2 Review & Critique” this is a good video on the game that is t getting enough views. It’s not my video but I agree with the things he says.

I disagree about the hacking system.

The guy says he was “facetanking flying enemies” but this is precisely where you want to use the hacking system.

The focus of the game isn’t to kill enemies, but to explore. And sometimes this means either ignoring enemies or hacking them. Killing them is also sometimes necessary. It depends on the situation.

Admittedly, getting the nano-storm up to full breadth takes time at the beginning, but still. I quickly found it much better than strategizing around killing enemies with an axe. They don’t really give anything, they come back anyway. At some point, I felt no need to kill every enemy I came across.

I was actually using hacking wuite a bit, and flying enemies are actually the ones you want to be hacking the most. The bird-like enemies almost require it.

Allegiance is especially useful, despite taking a lot of points.

/r/axiomverge Thread Link - youtu.be