The right uses “leftist” just how SJWs use “racist ,bigot, homophobe”

I always thought 'my side' was being mischaracterized by the right for yelling racist at everyone until I encountered leftbook. What should have been a place to make memes is a toxic sludge of angry people I mostly agree with trying their best to get into as many public arguments as they can. I commented once saying China creeped me out on a post about censorship but didn' give my reasons (because of their censorship, religious persecution, social scores, my own experience there, the experiences of people I know who have been, living in multiple countries in China's sphere of influence for nearly all of my adult life). Not giving reasons was a huge mistake. I was called out by a bunch of white college kids for being racist, and they wouldn't accept anything I was saying as I was already stupid, bigoted, and I hadn't read a book that one person kept insisting I needed to read.

They didn't turn me more right or left. They just turned me sad and confused. Comment sections were a mistake.

/r/rant Thread