Rims really messed up after being coated with cat urine for the last year or so. Does anyone know ways to help or are they ruined for good? :(

Had to park my Bonneville for over a year at my mom's place because i just couldn't afford to fix her at the time.

I know i know, parking a car for that long is bad but she can't even start right now. and there was nothing i could do about it

did not expect to come back to the utter devastation on my poor rims from street cat urine. Like holy shit how does this even happen? I posted in the imgur album a before pic from early 2021and they were NOT like that.

I was just thinking to myself i should get UV/Waterproof covers for the wheels to protect them if it has to sit for longer. Just got them in and i headed over here to wash it again and get the rims/tires nice before putting them on and i see this shit.
I fear i'm too later :'(

/r/Autobody Thread Link - imgur.com