RIP Simba, passed away on Jan 8th, 2014

We adopted Simba in the fall of 2005, this was going to be our 10th anniversary of being his guardians.

In the last month, he wasn't eating much. The vet did a blood test and diagnosed him with hyperthyroidism. He was given some medication.

In the last week of his life, he was really thin and bones. We brought him in on Tuesday, Jan 6th. The vet said Simba needed to stay the night. We visited with Simba, and came back the next day.

Simba was still not well. The vet recommended another night. He said we could come back and visit before they close. I had a nagging feeling this might be the end. My girlfriend and I went to visit Simba before they closed.

Simba had trouble breathing because his nostrils were congested. My girlfriend wanted to clean him up, I gave her some paper towels wet with water. We had him breathing better. We gave him several hugs, and kisses.

When we left, he was sleeping, and seemed at peace.

The next morning, we phoned the vet because we wanted to bring him home, whether he was sick or not.

It was too late, the vet said Simba passed away last night.

I was so mad. There were no other animals there last night, Simba would have spent his last hours in a cage at the vet by himself. I hope it was in his sleep.

The vet offered to do a free 10 minute autopsy. He always had a suspicion there was something else, and there was.

Simba had a tumour between his small and large intestines. The vet said normally that would be operable, they would take out the tumour and rejoin the intestings. But given his age, Simba probably wouldn't have made the surgery.

Regardless, this tumour didn't even show up on the x-ray, so we never knew about it until after.

Simba was a lovely cat, very smart, very attentive, very aware of his being.

After my dad died, I was crying and Simba was in my arms. Simba gave me a big slap on my face, which he had never done before, or since. It was like he was saying "snap out of it"!

There's more I could write about him. He loved his hugs, and would put his arms around your neck. If you put down three bags of snacks on the floor, he would sniff all three, then tap the one he wanted. He was just an awesome cat.

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