Rumble Jungle Video I made going over the changes

Nice Video x)

Should have maybe mentioned the W trick, but I think everyone on this subreddit is already aware of that.

I also play rumble jungle with phase rush and do think it's the best rune choice. You don't actually need the extra dmg from DH or Electrocute anymore. Phase Rush is more versatile; even has defensive usages and let's you access inspiration tree with approach velocity/hexflash/futures market. It enables Rumble even more and let's you stick to your enemy even when they flash away. to get those juicy AA off.

My rune page: phase rush - nimbus cloak - celerity - water walking - hexflash - approach velocity + (8AH)

Hexflash is also insane, gives you so much more options like stealing baron/drakes, different gank opportunites avoiding wards. You can sneak into dragon pits more often.

Only downside: No Ultimate Hunter ;(

/r/Rumblemains Thread Link -