Why the Rumor That Facebook Is Listening to Your Conversations Won’t Die

Well websites don't automatically have access to your camera or microphone, so unless you explicitly grant these permissions Facebook couldn't be listening.

I can only attest to things that I have seen on both mine and my SO phones. Both iPhones. I do not have the FB app installed on my phone, I use Safari to log in.

Situation 1. Was at a friends house, watching TV. Phone is locked not doing anything. Friend mentions she has Drumstick brand ice cream. We leave the house, SO opens her FB and an ad for Drumstick ice cream is there. No she did not google drumstick ice cream while there, did not search it or anything. Her FB app does not have access to Microphone in settings.

I open Instagram, and boom, ad for Drumstick in my feed.

Situation 2. Similar thing happened with the store Marshalls. My SO mentions running there, I then get an ad on Instagram later in the day for it.

There was few other ones, but maybe its all in our heads. For Safari, I use DuckDuckGo for searching, I have content blocker on.

/r/privacy Thread Parent Link - motherboard.vice.com