Russians are worse then Nazis according to r/europe

The reason russia didn't try invading again was because they already lost their offensive.

Did you ever read the Moscow peace treart??

1)We force you to demobilize

Wich you did promply

2) We ordered you to let US stationned troops inside your territory

Wich you did

You had 0 armies and fighting capabilities

So why Stalin did not invade???

I have show you sources and you keep ignoring.

The only argument you have is base on a stupid folklore song made by a local guy.

"Again its common sense , if Finland was not an Hitler ally they would have been invade simply"

There were never any plans to invade finland, Finland had no special

Time ans time again. They dont give a fuck about Sweden they wanted the soviets union.

Same how they invaded little belgium to crush France.

Every army with a brain knows how the Karelia istshmus is vital.

Similar how Belgium id vital to beat France or how invading Denmark is vital to deny accès to British ships.

They did not bother with Fibalnd since the Finns opened their legs.

invaded norway and denmark, but didn't invade Sweden, Logistics wise Germany would have to invade Sweden first before going to finland -> Which Germany never invaded sweden.

1) They didnt need since they had Finland has ally and Norway was under control , there was no need for Sweden.

2) Also Germans troops were allowed to transit trough Sweden because the Swedes were pussies and kissed the feet of the Germans. Wich the other neutral nations didnt do.

No fucking wonder the USSR and the allies didnt gave a fuck about the neutrality of those little nations you were all pussies. Its a good thing the USSR didnt believe in this neutrality bullshit

Sweden is fat example

Stop lying its also in your own link of the continuation war

Please give the specific territory, it was NOT leningrad.

I dont take seriously someone who belive that the Finns did not participate in the siege of Lenningrad and didnt contribute to it.

I even quoted three sources


31 August: Finnish forces go on the defensive and straighten their front line.[41]This involves crossing the 1939 pre-Winter War border and occupation of municipalities of Kirjasalo and Beloostrov.

Kirjasalo and Belokstriov are municipalities of Lenningrad

The British even had to déclared war on you because you didnt respect your pre war border

Even the Wiki article put Finland in the siege of Lenningrad.

Your own generals contributed directly to the blockade and I quoted

Lieutenant General Paavo Talvela and Colonel Järvinen, the commander of the Finnish Coastal Brigade responsible for Ladoga, proposed to the German headquarters the blocking of Soviet convoys on Lake Ladoga. The German command formed the'international' naval detachment (which also included the Italian XII Squadriglia MAS) under Finnish command and the Einsatzstab Fähre Ost under German command

The Finns blocked tried to block access to lake Ladoga.

Source: Paris Peace treaty,_1947

Why dont you just admit the true

On the Karelian Isthmus, the Finns halted their offensive 30 km from Leningrad

Can you explained that ??

Naval Detachment K's primary task was harassing Soviet supply lines to Leningrad on southern Ladoga, where British and American food and munitions were delivered to the besieged residents of Leningrad. The unit also staged attacks on enemy bases and conducted limited landing operations on the shores of Lake Ladoga*

Do you really think the Soviet Union cares about its own citizens?


In 1940s, The Soviet Union militarily, and economically (with support of the US lense lease act) was stronger than germany, If finland can hold off the USSR and get favorable terms

Sure those were so much favorable terms lol. Did you read the peace treaty?

then I think germany would have a hard time defeating finland


Lol you didnt beat them , Hitler ordered his troops to retreat to Norway.

They had no times to care about backstabers and Leningrad had no more importance

There is evidence that the Soviet Union wanted the entire finland, the Suite of the Finnish Theme is one of them.

I have show you mines wich were more recent , you still chose to ignore them.

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