Ruthless experience feedback

Currency shortage is killing the otherwise great economy a low droprate environment provides. I gave plenty feedback about it in the alpha, told them how it would affect the game mode negatively, everything I said turned out correct. Gave even more feedback after the first week of league launch, being rank 1 on SC trade for most of that time. But nothing has changed.

Economy has slowed down to a crawl, which for me was the biggest source of enjoyment in old poe, and ruthless had all the right cards to make it happen again, but they decided to pretty much botch it. While it is a great one-time playthrough for fed up with regular poe, I don't see very many players returning for next league. Even this league's retention is likely looking horrible, judging by the amount of characters on ladder that I noticed being abandoned around the 2 week mark. And with low player numbers comes the GGG treatment of unpopular features.

/r/poeruthless Thread