RWBY Volume 1 & 2 - Anime (Kind of) Review

To summarize this video, this person gives his thoughts on the characters and story arcs. He does it very well and presents you a POV that focuses on the impact that the series has on you via their characters and world building.

For example, his opinion is shared by most fans of the series. Most people love the comedy relief character but trying to make you care for him is kind of hard because you already know what's gonna happen to him. The bully arc really doesn't make you care for him because of its poor writing. Comedy relief character is being bullied, takes his anger on his friends and ends up isolated, important event happens where he stands up for himself and everything is ok again. In other words, he messes up, he suffers because of it, he fixes it, repeat process. Does it sound familiar? coughDance arccough.

Next it's the White Fang. It's a great villain organization but they're not evil in the moralistic way since they explain to you that they tried to live peacefully but mankind won't let them have peace so they need to get rid of mankind to finally have the peace they want. In other words, mankind is the faunus' grimm. And they explain this to you in such a great way that some can even feel like supporting the villains and while violence might not be the best answer, it's the only one they haven't tried and it's working so it's only logical to keep using it. However, despite their strong motives, the fact they're being used makes them look stupid in all honestly. It has happened a lot when it comes to evil organizations but at least they tried to scare you by being dangerous by themselves, not by being dangerous thanks to some other villain who acts as their voice but in reality he's just using them.

The last part is one I always thought of and was happy because I never heard it from someone else in any source of the internet. It's always about how great these villains are but are they really that great? The only thing we know about them is that they're evil, and their characters are likable like the rest but in a regular character way, not the antagonist character way which is the one that truly matters here. It can be forgiven by saying they will be developed in the future since they had an entire volume to do so. It's the villains, of course they're more important than shipping. No offense to you arkos shippers.

So, what are your thoughts on this video and these topics /r/RWBY?

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