A good message, and representation of "political" villains.

RWBY right now has a history of portraying civil rights and other such groups in a negative light. Showing them to be villanous, unreasonably violent and the like. Not only do they portray these groups in a bad light, they also have the protagonists of the story oppose these groups directly.

The White Fang were only antagonists due to Adam allying them with Salem's minions. The story questioned their current terrorist methods, but the people who genuinely believed in the White Fang's actual purpose were consistently treated positively and respected by other characters. Characters who showed racism towards the Faunus are consistently portrayed as wrong for doing so. The ending of the arc isn't that the White Fang is eradicated, but that the person who manipulated the group for his own selfish ends has been deposed and a new leader can rally the group in a positive direction once more.

(Interestingly, this argument always dismisses the working class of Mantle, because their civil rights are consistently dismissed by "critics" and the people who fight for those rights and their survival are vilified for doing so. For some reason.)

/r/RWBY Thread Parent