How much sympathy do you have for Salem and why?

I'll say this much. Try to follow the literal metaphors.

My thoughts:

For all practical purposes, the gods and salem are the same. They are the same in all the ways that actually matter.

The gods say salem deserves to be punished for being a manipulator selfish hypocrite stubborn willing to let the human race die for her revenge against them whatever.

Salem was originally parented by a controlling father. She of all people would have reason to be suspicious of authority figures and be wary of arbitrary punishments and inconsistent actions from said authority figures. Intentionally or not, her self sabotage her actions or whatever incidentally seemed to be made to trigger her childhood trauma, and, intentionally or not, keep her as the worst version of the girl she was once.

For all intents and purposes, I think the whole situation is a metaphor for two parents and a spoiled child the rest of the human race all find totally insufferable.

Here's a theoretical Convo between the three.

Gods: we want you to learn the importance of life and death. This is not a whim, this is not arbitrary baseless excessive punishment, and we'll curse you with immortality for as long as we need to teach you your lesson.

Salem: pretty rich because your actions showed that in all likelihood I would've had the love of my life restored for good if I just had the luck to go to purple daddy first. At the very least, your godlike powers would be turned against each other and not me.

GoD: we killed the entire human race because of your actions alone.

Salem: so in other words you admit that you two are so obsessed with me and controlling me that'd you exterminate an entire species for my little kiddie tactics that you had to have known wouldn't have worked by now because it didn't work before. And you two punished me excessively just because you could again despite me knowing your standards are hypocritical at least twice now. And your arbitrary favoritism (read: obsession) with me is so destructive that you freely admit that you favor me so strongly you'll condemn the entire human race to genocide just to maximize your control over me, the child you chose to have and let be spoiled and traumatized. So in other words you'll blatantly go against a value you claim to tell me is SOOOOO important that I need to be made literally immortal to understand it's importance. Right. How convenient.

Salem: Just admit it. I may be spoiled. I may be your favorite child but you two are adults. Adults who's powers blow the rest of ours out of the water. It you're adult enough to teach me lessons your adult enough to not be complete fucking hypocrites. And you're adult enough to try to not guilt for your own choice to be so obsessed with me you'll psychologically torture me every 5 seconds( excuse me, torture me every time I made a mistake when you can deny your narcissistic parent bullshit under plausible deniability).

Salem: but hey, what the fuck am I going to do about it right? Despite my best efforts to escape your abuse, or my first abusers abuse, it's clear I can't. Not on my own anyway. And I know damn well by this point being materially spoiled is no excuse for justifying torturing your child. Your favorite child which by definition your child had no control on who you favor.

Gods: you're a scheming ungrateful bitch.

Salem: not my fault I see beyond your destructive powers you two are childlike and whiny than even me

Gods: we don't like your tone.

Salem: why should I care? You and the literal rest of the world have been systematically ensuring to victim blame me for being who I am because of your actions it's always been because of your actions, or lack of actions, that I've been trapped and suffocate by abuse figures my entire life. Sorry if I don't believe or care you love me if your actions prove you love controlling and tormenting me more than you could ever love me.

Gods: well literally destroy the rest of the human race AGAIN to maintain our abusive power and control over you.

Salem: what the fuck else is new.

Salem turns to Ruby:

As you can see I've proven myself. They pose a far greater threat to me and you and us fore more than I ever could. But I can't force you or them are anyone to help me, right.

So I'm sorry, rwby.

I'm sorry that I have the completely warranted suspicion of authority figures too know an abusive controlling obsessive pair of hypocrites when I see one.

Salem: I'm done. There's literally nothing I can do if the world won't see the truth and refuses to help a child abuse victim and it literally can't get worse from my perspective

Salem: looks at rwby and gods you 3 hash it out,

Salem: I'm not going to apologize for protecting myself against abusers who were far more powerful than and mr and knew I had already been abused and did it again anyway

Salem: but I'm the one who hates my parents and the world arbitrarily right, right?

Salem:get the fuck outta here

Salem dissociates

There's no point in trying to be free in a world and game do rigged against you so hard being free is basically impossible

There's no point in caring to join a world that can't extend you the basic courtesy of gracious with you despite knowing that unwillingly painful past,

Salem: I'm not going to apologize for hating a world that hates me

Hates me for no good reason

Salem: after all

For the past few centuries I've become sensible enough to know what's important, I've become sensible to know what really matters

Salem: and if the entire world conspires against me for no good reason to destroy my autonomy and happiness

Salem well that's not my problem right?

Salem why should I care about a world that's never cared about me

Why should I care about a world that couldn't be bother d to accommodate me in the one way I needed

Salem: why should I love a world that never had the courage to help me escape my abusers, terrifying and powerful and erratic as they are

Salem: they were just children

Salem; I was a child at the start too

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