"Safe Space" Students Silence Asian Woman For Saying "Black People Can Be Racist"

I do appreciate you taking the time to write all this out. It is just that with all that is being said, there sometimes seems to be not a lot of evidence that people see that support why people need to make such demonstration to address their needs. When you say that people have been peed on and had their hair pulled, I do think that that is really fucked up. However, I have never seen someone do this to a person of color, nor have known anyone to do such a thing. I hope to not in any way demean your claims, but I just want to share why it can be hard to believe when people claim such things.

Also, as for the idea of systematic racism, I personally don't like that term all that much. I think it would be more productive (and this is my view on rhetoric in general), to focus on specifics then to use terms like, "systemic racism" "hate speech" as well as "mens rights" "progressive", etc. To me, it is pretty convincing to take the public transit to the south side of the city I live in to see how fucked up it is with the conditions that man people, mostly black, have to try to live in. It is morally reprehensible the condition that the public schools, hospitals, and general housing/public space are all in (further, how the fuck are people in that area supposed to be able to get good produce or have access to good libraries?).

There are some very big problems that I do see that I would stand up for and try to do the best I can to help out with. However, when I see people complain about not being able to join any sorority they want because of the color of their skin (http://thedianerehmshow.org/shows/2015-11-10/university-of-missouri) I will say, well yeah Greek life is often times full of fucking idiots who often rely on group think and group identification. I'm white and I've been yelled at by goons in a fucking truck on campus for riding my bike or walking alone at night. So yeah, I hear people protest about feeling not safe or excluded with some of these demonstrations, but I gotta say it's not just black people that are targeted by it. And then to say that only black people can experience that same feeling, of being judged by your looks? It is a fast way to not making friends but instead exasperating the situation and just creating more tension, more disjunction, more hatred, more disintegration.

Sorry, but I have been following this and if there have been cases of violence and peeing, I am very very sorry. No one should be treated by that. Further, there are factors that affect people of color that I think are because they are of color in the city I live in. But I don't see that being talked about, like homelessness and lack of resources. Further, I grew up in a pretty poor area myself. I would say there wasn't that much racial diversity, but I will also say that I don't think that the kids I graduated high school with were all that racist. The kids that were shunned were the short-sighted hard-types that seemed to have low IQs and made up for the lower intelligence by acting out at others, and those were always white kids.

I don't know what else to say. I am very sorry if you have had some rough situations to go through, but I will say that other people have to go through shit as well, and they aren't always black (and I do see that it is a pretty diverse crowd, I am just a bit flabbergasted by what I have seen from Missouri and Yale here recently). And by making it seem like one group is more special than another group does not seem like it will make things any better (again, this sentiment I hold more strongly towards the folks from Missouri).

So yeah, and I will give a big caveat that I have no idea what sorts of things you have to go through. I guess this whole series of events has me pretty beat because when I was going to college at first, if there was some issue with folks, I'd try to hear what was going on and make sure to understand their point of view. Linking back to what I said at the beginning, I guess I just am not used to being around people that treat people like shit (like pulling or peeing on them as you say). And I hate to say this, but it is just hard for me to wrap my head around that.

Not to go to far off topic, but I will say I think I recall the 1960's Civil Rights movement being that much more effective because people could see on TV, with their eyes, people literally getting mowed down/pummeled by a fire hose. That shit really helped gain awareness, on a national level, for just how crazy things were getting in Alabama. I hope to not leave this note by saying that I think there needs to be video evidence for every single event (and that may never be entirely possible and is pretty ridiculous to demand), but when it comes to national opinion, having that action laid out before one's eyes can be a much more effective determinant than words. Fuck, again, I don't mean to demean what all you have shared; again, I really appreciate you taking the time to write this all out, I just wanted to share my own thoughts on all this. I guess I will end this by saying I have felt very isolated at times. I was diagnosed with cancer when I first started college and it really threw things for a loop. To be honest, I feel very alone sometimes because not many people know all that goes into cancer treatment and how it can fuck with one's mental, and even existential, state. I think intentional/unintentional social isolation is a horrible thing. I think humans are very social creatures, and to be left out high and dry, especially under duress and difficult conditions, can sometimes be some of the hardest times in someone's life (at least I think this from what I have experienced so far). I hope that you have not had to deal with this for whatever reason, be it what you want to do in life, what you think an ideal society should be, or how you look, and if so, I hope you can find ways of alleviating that suffering in as healthy a manner as possible. Peace out!

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