Sam is Mario and his Princess is always in Another Castle

Sorry, I didn't express myself very well. I meant that Bar Buddy putting himself in a water stage and dying when he could have avoided it if he were more attentive to hidden designs in the game world is more foreshadowing for Millicent who puts herself in Silver Lake and dying when she could have avoided it if she were more attentive to hidden designs in the real world. She seems to be catching on ("I think I'm being followed") but she still isn't looking enough for secrets, or really, at this point she's too far along to benefit from it. At best, she has to linearly "play through" her corresponding stage 2-2 and promptly dies in the water. Then the game shifts back to Sam (Mario) who, always a level or two behind, is using his galaxy brain and exploiting secrets to make leaps and bounds ahead of his co-players. Sort of thing. :)

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