There never was a game that really stood out to me and now I'm kinda tired of gaming

I don't think it's depression. Depression is an overused, carpet bombing term that shouldn't be thrown around so willy-nilly. This kind of boredom is simply the brain realizing that games aren't the dopamine hits we need to create a fulfilling life. Balance the life out with more productive, non-gaming activities such as cooking, working out, and having meaningful conversations with friends and the pleasure will come back to gaming for sure. The zone out and enjoy yourself mentality is a paradox in itself anyways, so focusing purely on quantifying the enjoyment of gaming isn't going to produce any results. Usually this kind of boredom is merely the brain saying "We're not going to get a rewarding experience from this." which can often be very true with video games when you take into consideration the rest of your life you should also be spending time working on.

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