Scrap engine

Scrap Recycler, Scrap Golem, Scrap Wyvern, and a monster you can send off of Scrap Recycler that can help you link into Scrap Wyvern like Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion or Crystron Rosenix.

Normal Scrap Recycler, send O-Lion/Crystron Rosenix then activate their effect to get a token. Then you Link Summon using Scrap Recycler and the token into Wyvern. Activate Wyvern to Special back Scrap Recycler then destroy Scrap Recycler via Wyvern’s effect. This allows you to trigger Wyvern’s effect to Special a Scrap from deck. Special Scrap Golem via Wyvern’s effect and then destroy 1 card on the field (if you’re going first you can destroy a set card or another monster you control or even Wyvern itself if you have no other cards to destroy. Activate Scrap Golem’s effect to Special Summon Scrap Recycler onto your side of the field and you can use its effect to send another machine type from your deck to graveyard.

/r/Yugioh101 Thread