Trigger effects during damage step

Situation A: Turn player has mandatory and optional effects, Opponent does too. TP's mandatory effects activate first. Then, opponents, followed by TP's optional effects, and then opponent's optional effects. In this situation, TP's effects are the first ones to be added to the chain. Situation B: TP has optional effects. Opponent has both mandatory and optional effects. TP's cards are 'checked' for mandatory effects first. Since none are found, game state then checks the opponent's cards, and then adds their mandatort effects. TP can then activate any optional effects in response, and then Opponent has the chance to do the same. Regardless of whether or not TP has effects that can activate, they still have first opportunity to activate them. Just because they might not actually have any at the time, doesn't mean their cards aren't still the first ones the game state checks first. All you've done is repeat what I've said. I'm genuinely trying to figure out what exactly you're trying to get at here.

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