Season 43 Episode 3 Edgic Survey

Is it weird of me to say that Karla’s winner chances will go down for me if Coco ends up going to a premerge Tribal lol depending on how it’s presented obviously

I feel like I ultimately don’t know what the dynamics are on that tribe or where Karla fits in with them. And like right now I have zero idea who would be in danger at all if they went to Tribal, contrasted with the clear storyline on Baka these last two eps about what could happen if they go to Tribal again. Just too little information. If I don’t have to know, in the eyes of the edit, then fine. We’re in a post-Luvu world now (even though those relationships did actually matter, fuck 41’s editing) so I can buy that the winner is coming from a not-complex tribe. If it turns out I do have to know next episode then that’s gonna be a head scratcher for me as to why there was no real setup at all when they’ve definitely had the time to do it.

/r/Edgic Thread