Season 6's weapon changes

Doesn't remove gunskill from double shotgun. Any noob can spray an SMG or grapple into your face and double barrel you. At least with double shotty you knew they hit some good shots.

In fact, Daequan literally played a game and won while spraying an SMG and shaking his mouse back and forth just to show how easy it is.

I'm not saying I want double shotty back. I disliked it. But I am saying there used to be a skill gap at least in the sense that you had to have some semblance of aim to win a close range battle. Now, click click double hold SMG spray and bam you got a kill if the double barrel didnt do it already.

Dont have to worry about being bad at building either. Just grapple on up. Each season has had its highs and lows, but as with Epics recently botched MOBA, Paragon, they continue to cater towards the largest demographic, removing any semblance of skill, slowly but surely. It's a staple of the company in the past 3 years. Completely unsurprising.

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