What gets me is the number of people who do think exploits are cheating but will happily use them to complete quests because they don't affect others.
So alot of people will agree that the hammer glitch is cheating because it negatively affects the game but getting 10 mil on the dirt bike on a fence or by mashing the trick button while sprinting or the gas pump exploit with the open containers quest.
I'm not even complaining about they ones that help complete quests but also I'm not going to sit here and rant all night on reddit about how bad the hammer glitch is. The chances of getting caught using an exploit to compete a quest are slim since no one is going to report you but does that make it ok? Everytime I read one of the hammer glitch posts all I can think is how many of these same people demanding that "cheaters" be banned have themselves used such a method to complete a quest.
And let me be clear. I'm not condoning any of it. It just kills me that someone posts a video of the hammer and every comment is report them and someone posts a video of a exploit to complete a quest and every comment is cool thanks bro. Can the community just male up its damn mind. Using an exploit for self gain either by killing others or simply completing a quest is in fact cheating. Saying one is wrong and the other is ok is stupid. Yet here we are.