[SECRET][DIPLOMACY] (Sea)Mounting Covert Relations

Goltragga Lurog gro-Ogar leans on the railing as he looks down into the blood pit, observing his Ornim fight and train. "Goltragga, a message from the Bosmeri Queen." says an Orcish messenger from behind the Goltragga. Lurog raises an eyebrow and turns his head slightly to look at the messenger "Read it." As he listens to the message Lurog grins and nods in approval. Finally snatching the parchment from the Orcs hands after he has finished reading. "Very well, go and alert Captain Graz gra-Narzul to speed up preparations on Malacath's Might for we will be sailing south soon. Now go, I have to let the 'Queen' know we are coming." he grunts as he sends the Orc away and heads to his fortress to begin writtting

Queen Nivwaenhyl Nightshade, I of course know about the assistance you gave our brothers in Wrothgar
and I will gladly accept any assistance you may give us now. I am not foolish
enough to believe that the Seamount Clan can achieve what we seek to
achieve without help from fellow friends. In the north we are surrounded by enemies and even though I am sure we can hold Betnikh for hundreds of years I want more for my Clan then that. For that reason you will see me and many of my Ornim in your lands soon enough. Prepare for our arrival. Blood and Honor! Goltragga Lurog gro-Ogar of the Seamount Clan and Stoontooth Fortres

/r/nirnpowers Thread