Help with losing my faith.

My beloved, my heart broke reading this. I'm so sorry you went through that. I pray God is with you and you feel His powerful and endless love and comfort. I know exactly what it feels like when no one takes you seriously, especially when it comes to the people you were meant to be protected by. I have no words for the disappointment and heartbreak you must have felt because he got bailed out. Or that the president accused you of doing something to repent for. This is unacceptable. What happened is not your fault and you're not being dramatic about it for being hurt by the president's words.

Yes, you can read the Bible for yourself or listen to online sermons. Please do anything to not cross paths with this /§%$("&$§ again. Hugs and prayers, my sister. Cling to God, He will avenge you.

/r/TrueChristian Thread