Self service printers

I dont work in CPD but I do have a working knowledge of the basics there. I covered the CPD supervisor's smoke break since it was dead in Tech and this one customer comes up and asks how much the SS copies are. Keep in mind, this entire time, I am standing right behind a sign on the counter that states the prices. LOL. I point to the sign and say "12 cents." The customer scoffs and says that he can get it cheaper at Kinkos down the street. I personally dont give a damn. So I turn around and start filling out the moronic goal cards for everyone in the store.

After a few minutes standing at the counter, he yells at me demanding that I call Kinkos and ask them what their prices are. I laughed and said that it is his responsibility to look do that. He starts fuming and walks over to me, gets into my face and demands to speak with the manager.

At this point, I almost lose what is left of my military bearing (I am a vet).

I tell him that the manager is in a meeting and Im the acting manager till the he gets done, which could be 30 or so minutes and that had he acted in a calm and professional manner, I would have made a one time exception. The CPD person walks in at this point and tells him the same thing.

He slams his paperwork on the counter...further demanding that I do the copies.

At this point, I tell him to leave the store or I am going to call the cops. (I was internally wishing that he would press me further). He ended up leaving screaming the usual "I will never shop here again blah blah blah*

Despite the frustration, I actually enjoy these customers and the hissy-fits they throw.

...BTW, where I work, Kinkos is actually 5 cents per copy more expensive. hahaha

/r/OfficeDepot Thread