Sergio Sanchez, Timeline Gallery, San Pedro, Ca "Science, Art, & Philosophy"

haha, good story and thank you. In case you are ever interested here is the process.

Hello..... Thanks for your interest in Sergio’s work! We are booked out until October/November right now. This is our basic information and policy: Please let us know where you are coming from and what you are thinking of getting. Send high resolution images to us with the location on your body and the size you are thinking of. Please do not send photos of other people’s tattoos as reference. If you are working on a budget please let us know what it is. Before accepting deposits we like to make sure that your project is a good match for the work Sergio normally does. No designs are worked out until starting images of all of the ideas have been emailed to us. Once we have enough images to use a deposit is required to work out a design. This is done either by putting together a mock up in Photoshop, which is emailed to you, or by arranging a consultation in person if it is not possible to do through emails because of the location and design. The rate is $200 per hour, and there is a three hour minimum per session. This is why we ask for a $600 NON REFUNDABLE deposit. This deposit will reserve all of your booking dates, cover the design process if the tattoo is not actually done, and goes toward your final tattoo session if it is. The deposit will be lost if any date is cancelled less than five full business days before an appointment including consultations. Should that occur another deposit would be required to rebook any new dates or to keep the ones already booked. For people who are unable to drop off deposits in person they can be made through PayPal to Sergio’s email address ([email protected]) BUT a $20 service fee must be included making the total deposit $620. We respond to emails at best once a week so please be patient for responses, we will get to them. Thank you.

Eileen & Sergio Sanchez

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