(Serious) Attempted murder victims of Reddit, have you ever gotten over it? How has it affected your life?

This isn't as overt as some of the other comments here, but I was still in fear for my life.

There's been plenty of times where my father straight up told me he was going to kill me, and meant it. He got kicked out when I was 16, so all of this happened before that.

A couple of nights stand out in particular: When I was 12 or 13, my parents were fighting. Lots of screaming and probably hitting going on. I have a brother that is 1 year younger and a sister that was a baby at the time.
My brother decides he's sick of things and wants to take control of the situation with a dramatic and manly flair, by getting his rifle. (My family thought it was a smart decision to let him keep one in his room. They supposedly hid the bolt away, but he would go searching for it sometimes like a young kid might do.)

So my brother brings the gun out and screams for everyone to stop, and my dad starts screaming for my brother to shoot him. They start wrestling with the gun.
Side story: When I was even younger, my dad pointed a pistol at my mom's head and pulled the trigger. It was unloaded, but he let her think it was. He's been to jail many times by this point and I have no doubt in my mind that he will shoot all of us if he wants to.

I don't really remember what happened in between, but I'm suddenly in the dining room and holding on to my baby sister. For some reason I remember really clearly that I was fucking annoyed with the operator, because she kept telling me I had to quiet the screaming baby and for some reason I felt like she was being unreasonable. I manage to tell her that there's a gun.

I don't know if I stayed in that room or went to my room to protect my sister and myself. The next thing I really remember is hearing the police, and my dad running outside. I was able to follow him, and I hoped he had the gun so they'd shoot him to death. Alas, he didn't, and he was tackled to the ground by a group of officers with the full gear.

He was taken to jail, and we got to deal with him some more when he got back out again. None of the other stories involve such immediate life-or-death situations, but I can share some of the more memorable ones if anyone's interested.

/r/AskReddit Thread