This is a Serious Ghost Hunter Question for all Ghost Hunters

Who would feel the need to back-pedal? Both sides can and are quite often debunked. Before you say I am not of the same mind as you, restrict yourself from speaking. I am both a believer and a skeptic., so I am balanced in my thinking. You will not "dismantle" anything I say, as far as I am concerned.

I got bad news for you: You're NOT the most intelligent person in the world. Sorry. I've noticed others in this forum with a different argument, and they are still standing strong. I've noticed that much of what you have said is "easily dismantled" as well.

Please, don't get so overconfident in yourself. That will just make you appear foolish, if that hasn't happened already.

By the way, many universities do have programs on the paranormal, and some PhDs are continuously active in the field.

Not trying to antagonize you; just trying to share some valid points in debating. And, no, I'm not a troll, just a regular member like you.

Take care and peace!

/r/Ghosts Thread Parent