I have a serious hoarding problem. Please help.

Usually I just look at whether or not I can see myself ever using it. If so, can I replace it easily? (non-ancient and crafted legendaries will mostly be seen dozens of times before I ever put one on).

A quick and dirty check: Is the item best in slot/the best I have for my strongest build? Is the item completely mandatory for any build? (e.g. Wand of Woh) Does the item do something unique that makes a build function way better? (e.g. Cindercoat?) Does the item do something unique that is really cool and fun to play with? (e.g. Meticulous Bolts) (just a note, adding 3 more stacks to sweeping wind is not fun to play with, it is identical but your SW does twice as much damage. If you've tried SWK, you probably know that's irrelevant, toss it :D)

If none of these apply, disenchant it. You'll probably never use it. In the event you want one again, you can probably gamble it up pretty easily. Chances are it won't be more than one or two at most. Weapons with low dps are free to DE. Ancient weapons that don't do anything unique and are not your strongest weapon are fair game. You only need two rings, so pick a couple, pick a backup that might have a different stat distribution, chuck the rest. Doesn't matter how good a ring is if you have two that are just better. (realistically, you're likely going to use some combination of SoJ/Unity/RoRG so everything else should be pretty easy to get rid of).

Remember also that you can store 1 handers, 2 handers, ranged weapons, rings, and amulets on followers for every character you have. If you REALLY don't want to let something go, try slotting it in there.

At a glance based on what I'd recognize, I'd say: First tab All the fist weapons. All the non-set spirit stones (you're most likely going to be using Inna's, SWK, or Leoric's Crown If you have a witching hour, all the belts. If not, find one you like, keep it and Tgods if it rolled 13% lightning or higher, else get rid of it, get rid of the rest. Keep your best neck for each element. You're probably going to use SWK but they're only one space each anyway.

2nd tab All the non-ancient crafted stuff if you have better gear for your crusader (if you dont, you should really just put it on your crusader). Yes you may use it again, just make it if that comes up, it's cheap and nonremarkable. Get rid of Archew's Gage. Get rid of the rings that are not SoJ, Unity, Leoric's Signet, or the purple jewelled one on the left because I have no idea what that is. I assume the gundgo gear is a different element from your other one but if not, get rid of it.

Third tab Don't know my WD so unfortunately can't help much here. I'd say definitely keep the Vile Ward, Tasker, Waders, Tall Man's Finger. Toss the Blackthorn's if it's not ancient and you're not using it right at this moment. You'll find more. Toss the Stormshield (onto Kormac if you really can't get rid of it but it's an item that always looked nice and shiny that I found myself NEVER using). Can't speak for the rest.

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