[Serious] How do you deal with feeling inferior when compared to others?

The best advice I can offer is to stop looking at what everyone else is doing, and focus on yourself.

This is really hard to start, but it is worth at least trying.

You don't really need social media to be in contact with the people you care most about.

I used to have a FaceBook, instagram, etc, but I realized that it served no purpose other than wasting my precious time.

I highly suggest using a planner to organize your time, so you are not bored.

You will accomplish things, and you will no longer look at other people and their lives out of boredom.

The things I recommend most are exercise, meditation, and reading.

Working on your mind, body and soul are all key factors to your happiness. At least, that is what works for me.

There is a quote that I vaguely remember that goes something along the lines of "you are comparing your raw footage to their highlight reel".

Everything that you see on social media is not what it appears. Everyone is just trying to project an image of themselves that satisfies their egos.

/r/AskReddit Thread