[Serious] Parents of Reddit, what was a legit reason why you didn't let your son/daughter have THAT friend over/go to a sleepover?

At this point, pretty fucking great. Very happily married with an 18 year old son and 2 toddlers.

If you are curious about how I got to this point, here's my abridged life story: I got addicted to meth and ran away from when I was a teenager, dropped out of high school then got pregnant when I was 19. I had been clean for a couple months, but I was exceptionally promiscuous so I picked the man I thought was most likely the father and told him I was pregnant. He knew I was sleeping with other people when I got pregnant, but he married me and made me go to adult ed to get my diploma. I am incredibly thankful for that and the baby did turn out to be his, but the father ended up being abusive too. So when my son was about 3, he started trying to protect me from his dad and I knew I had to divorce him. The divorce was horrible. My ex threatened to kill me so my son and I had to stay in a hotel for a while so he couldn't find us. I had barely any education and no skills but I worked my ass off for my little boy. Now my son is 18 and a high school graduate. I remarried a wonderful man and have 2 little happy healthy toddlers. I own a house and have a great career, but I also have lot of demons and struggle with alcoholism. I am grateful every day for my husband. He is the only person that has seen all the skeletons in my closet and loves me anyway. Its amazing what love and acceptance can do.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent