[serious] What was your biggest ‘we need to leave... Now!’ moment?

When in New York (I’m 19F) with my friend of the same age from the UK, we were at Times Square at about 9pm and we heard a group of guys whistling at us. We both looked at each other and thought we need to go. One of the mean (30ish) said to me “keep those clothes for the bedroom”. I was wearing shorts and a vest top. I tried to laugh it off and kept walking but he suddenly turned aggressive and said “bitch, you know what I’m gonna fucking teach you a lesson” and reached into his pocket. Us being terrified started to run as fast as we could into the crowds.

Thank god we lost him or I don’t know what would have happened. I can safely say, if this was in a quieter street, way worse would have happened.

/r/AskReddit Thread