Serious: WSB Lifetime Channel Moments

Honestly, the best thing about investing was the idea that you can make some decent money on the side and even eventually escape from your typical 9-5 job.

I've always enjoyed the memes here so I started learning about trading several months ago and began with paper trading. I officially dove in a month or so ago, put in $2k that I was willing to lose and went up to around 6k within 2 weeks without touching meme stocks. Strategy was to find heavy flow on low IV stocks and exit with small gains.

After weeks of not touching any memes, I went in on BB/Nok calls on Tuesday. The market got manipulated and I lost $3k on them as they expired today, worthless.

I made some dumb ass decision to try to make up losses and got burned. Ended up losing all my gains plus some of my capital. Think I'm just going to take the L and avoid investing - this whole week has really left a sour taste in my mouth.

/r/wallstreetbets Thread