I seriously hope that this isn't going to massively fuck things over

This video throws so much unnecessary shade on Linux.

The whole start is garbage. He clicks on the first article from a generic outlet (i think it's Toms-hardware, absolutely not the authority to choose a distro from) and then rants that the guy sucks as expressing pros and cons.

Then the guy that worked for decade in computer with bleeding edge hardware can't install steam on an OS for babies. Fumbles on the first GUI tool and then on the first terminal command breaks his distro.

what the fuck bro just fucking RTFM.

I mean tbh he should have just googled SteamOS and see that it's Debian based and go on Debian which is the most stable distro. Installing Debian 11 with non-free firmwares for wifi (lol) and nvidia is legit easy, you also get to choose your DE (which he mentions he doesn't understand when it's mentionned in the Toms-Hardware article) and it just works perfect as expected in the most stable way possible.

Or he had Manjaro already, with the mhwd tool it could have been up and running in less than an hour.

Or just like the other guy went with Mint and got a great experience because Mint is very well made.

I had some respect for this guy but now tbh i just think he's an overfunded dork.

/r/linuxmemes Thread Link - i.redd.it