Sexual frustration: Horny as fuck, virgin, but too afraid of STDs to have sex. How to progress through the fear and be less paranoid?

Hmm. I see. Yeah, I probably have misguided information in my mind. Still, for the screenings, it is true, here in Venezuela, and in my city, it is difficult to check if you have an STI. But yeah, I know many of them can be cured with antibiotics. But ones such as Hepatitis B one, as you know, is incurable, and the vaccine doesn't prevent me from getting it, it just helps me fight it better, but still, it will affect me anyway. And I don't want to get cancer from HPV, I don't want to die so soon. And I dont want to go through the burden of treating whatever symptom I get from it. HPV isn't curable either. And that's the problem, I won't and don't want to use a condom for oral sex. It's like sucking on plastic or being sucked through plastic. And I don't have many partner options in this city.

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