Sexual harassment training may have reverse effect, research suggests

So, this article was a mouth full to read through.

But i fully understand it. Actually, im not even surprised if this outcome was further documented on other instances.

Im going to use anecdotal evidence, i know its frowned upon but just to make a point.

Me, a "white middle aged man", personally, my upbringing showed me exactly how dangerous a false allegation or false assumptions could be. I was basically born and raised on the other side of the fence from people who go "Women cant do 'nuffin wrong", and got the boat load of said "cant do wrong" every day for 8 years.

This has done two things, (excluding my selfesteem issues and trust problems) Made me realize how enormously dangerous a woman can be, if she's in a position of power above me (be it intellectual power or accusational power). It taught me that women are easily as harmful and quite frankly disgusting as men can be.

All of this info has made me respect women (more out of fright to be honest) and understood that im not supposed to harm them for my own self preservation. Hell i get nervous if i even lock eyes with a woman that isn't my fiance.

Me, having to go through an hour, 2 hours worth of education, repeating the broken tune of "Men are the aggressors, women are the victims" over and over again, would NOT help me in any way shape or form. If anything i'd be pissed off.

While my situation is anecdotal, having respect and knowing what a woman is capable of doing is something i believe most men have ("never hit a girl" comes to mind).

Imagine yourself, according to this research single women are more likely to abuse their children. Imagine you getting dragged of on a 'must attend' course where they repeatedly tell you not to hit or neglect your children. Repeatedly, for two full hours. Basically painting you as a child abuser when you wouldn't do it in your wildest dreams.

Kinda off putting isn't it?

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