Friday Night Drunk Thread

I don't know why I'm venting here. Actually I do. It's cause I spend all my time here. Girlfriend's mom has stage four cancer and is in hospice. She's a wreck. She's being strong as fuck for everyone else and then vents and taking everything out on me. I get that and I want to be that person for her. My Mom died the same way 10 years ago the same way and I was lashing out at everyone. Mother's day is especially shitty for me but it's been that way for awhile but I'm used to it and can deal. The problem is her situation is bringing all that shit back up and I obviously can't go to her with it so I'm venting here. I'll probably go back to posting about Live Pd and the vodka seltzer I'm having now but I needed that vent and I love this place.

/r/barstoolsports Thread