Sexual predator in the community

Beause having a sexual predator in your midst is better for everybody than a little drama? Are you sure this is for "everybody", and not just so you personally can avoid drama?

Yes, that is a very pointed question. Having a sexual predator in the BDSM community is, unfortunately, all too common. There are two or three stellar examples in our community, and what tends to happen is the people who liked the person won't believe you, and the people who already knew, will be relieved, as often they too feared "drama" .

In our community here, it resulted in several fractured factions. Even in several cases where there were numerous eyewitnesses, sometimes the people who saw it and were there are the ones who get ostracized, particularly if the offender has cultivated a likable image.

In one case, the person was outed on FetLife, and almost immediately, multiple people from earlier places this person had lived in some up, and added their voice to the message. This resulted in the person leaving and moving thousands of miles away, back to a BDSM community where he was accepted.

In another case, I actually know the victim personally, and have spoken with them, and other people who were present at the event, and it's pretty clear what happened, but as I said above, the person had cultivated numerous friendships, and so there is the faction that likes him. Fortunately, event promoters are made aware of these individuals, and usually block them from their events.

My advice is to have facts, witnesses, and a level head, because some people are simply going to think you're doing it for attention. But in the end, it's better to have this out, so that it forces the perpetrator to be aware that there are people watching them.

/r/fetlife Thread