Shallow Hal Ad: Fake Memory?

Those were definitely my favorite parts of the movie, it's just too bad many people I know who've seen and even enjoyed the film didn't get the message at all, they were still really transphobic, still treated disabled people like shit. I guess because other films at the time were all "trans bad, hurting cripple funny"

It's pretty much like how when Joaquin Phoenix's joker came out there were a lot of people saying "wow, society is so cruel, I should be nice to mentally ill people" then as soon as they step outside they kick a homeless guy, they also ignore a critical plot point in that movie was the flawed healthcare and welfare system that lets people down

But whatever I liked those scenes the best, being trans and having that one scene of positive representation in an early 2000s comedy film when the majority of those films were full of hatred for trans people, made us out to be evil and always had a scene of guys puking after seeing a penis on a woman, it stood out for that reason, I mean I love the Rush Hour films, but Carter threatening to kill Genvieve when he thought she was trans was just horrid, not unexpected but it's just fucked up having that small scene in there, thank you Brett Ratner for your unecessary input.

I wouldn't even say Shallow Hal is my favorite Farrelly brothers movie but it had heart and it tried to be compassionate and I respect that.

But I honestly I don't get why they made a big fat suit for Gwenyth Paltrow that looked ridiculous when Ivy Snitzer herself is gorgeous, I mean most of the other women in the film have faces that are completely different to how Hal sees them so I don't get why Rosemary had to have the same face as she did when she was skinny.

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