Should Daisy get her own game series?

Daisy's Micro Word.

Remmber Tatanga? He is an alien that captures Daisy in Super Mario World. See here: There are machines, and really many different characters that we never saw in any other Nintendo games. Now with the RPG and Micro title. Daisy's Kingdom has been taken over once again by Tatanga...but he is much more mechanized then before. So here is where I throw in a bit of a Thousand year door. Daisy doesn't have the strength on her defeat the evil of Tatanga..but has the ability to build robot like allies from her kingdom. Thing is: Different parts from different levels can be found to build..and customize each robot. It would be cool to have somewhat of a Golden Sun like style..where the main players can have power ups..sorta how the Djinn. Daisy would be in the game of course..but would have to get a team together to move forward in the story. It would be interesting to see this be the meat of the story..but here is the twist. Tatanga is just a pupped, to a much more evil and sinister boss. Whom also has the ability to make robotic enemies. Example: These are all original characters from the game. Imagine getting across each the sense of a Fire Emblem like completion..and having to face a boss at certain parts of the game.

/r/nintendo Thread