We should have faith in Miyamoto when it comes to the animated Mario film.

2) Chris Pratt sells very well in Asia, and you're forgetting that many Asian countries teach English in school, to the point where most understand it well. To speak on subtitles, I wouldn't be surprised if they showed the English version, especially in Japan, but you're right, there will almost certainly be localization. However, saying kids can't read subtitles fast... What dumb ass kids have you been on contact with? Kids read plenty fast, and that just sounds like you underestimate people's intelligence and comes of as agist and somewhat elitist.

I was literally an English teacher in Korea for years. The vast majority of elementary school kids do not read fast enough to enjoy a movie with subtitles. I'm not saying they can't do it, I'm saying they don't want to do it. Put an elementary school kid in front of a screen and tell him he's going to be reading for the next 2 hours and they just won't enjoy it.

It is undeniable that they are going to localize it for ever region because of the way they voiced it on the direct. They specifically said the "English voice cast" not the "voice cast", implying that other regions will have a different cast. Personally, I still think you're underestimating the popularity of Mario. Is attaching Chris Pratt to the project a boost to the marketability of the movie, without a doubt. I'm not denying that. Where I draw the line is if Chris Pratt is a necessity to make the Mario movie successful? I personally think no. I think that the studio went the easy and typical route: attach a big stars to your movie. Personally, I would have rather have seen them take a more creative and unique route: sell the Mario movie on Mario himself.

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