What hated Nintendo games did not deserve the hate in your opinion?

Why do people shit on spinoffs? Isn't it better for the franchises to get bigger? I don't consider Paper Mario or Chibi Robo to be included because the controversial games are mainline games, but with Hey Pikmin people seemed to hate it as if it was a replacement to a mainline Pikmin game which I still doubt, I don't think not having Hey Pikmin would give a real Pikmin 4.l

I say Mario Party Advance, Yoshi's New Island and Hey Pikmin. Unlike with Sticker Star that "iN My OPinIoN" has just a bad system and isn't a spinoff, Hey Pikmin and Advance are spinoffs that don't affect the main series so I don't understand the hate for them, which seems to be more than something like Sticker Star.

I barely see criticisms of Hey Pikmin aside from it not being a regular Pikmin game and it seems like that's the main reason people like it.

I played Advance and I like the concept of a quest game and if it got rid of the Mario Party stuff (the dice crap) it'd be better, ironic because it's hated because it's a Mario Party game not about multiplayer. And by the way I hate that people think it's necessary to play Mario Party games in multiplayer, the games are fine in singleplayer. It's flawed and it shouldn't have been a Mario Party game because of the hate and because the formula doesn't work with quests like this, but I think it has fun aspects.

Yoshi's New Island is a bland game with stupid gimmicks, aside from the music why do people act like it's a horrible game?

I know Balan Wonderworld sucked but Arzest is one of the most overhated developers:

They release Yoshi's New Island and 90% of the criticism is for the music.

Because of New Island's music and derivative level design people assume Hey Pikmin will be bad.

People agree that Hey Pikmin is bad because of ???.

People think that Balan Wonderworld was doomed because the latter two games were "bad".

/r/nintendo Thread