should Indian reservations have to follow US law, or should they (ideally) be allowed to operate as sovereign nations with their own codified laws?

How do you balance giving children a good future regardless of their upbringing with the fact that we ripped all sovereignty and humanity from them in a short time frame for hundreds of years?

On one hand, they should feel like they have some sort of control of their lives. History has shown the US government is primarily concerned with the woeful trials and tribulations of hyper wealthy white men, and pretty much societally chloroforms everyone else, on top of precedent for American nations to not trust them. On the other hand, think of a newborn baby, should their life be determined by the circumstances into which they were born? Are they also not allowed to have adequate opportunity?

It's a really really fucking tough question that has way more to do with how okay people are with things than what is technically or quantitatively correct. A person can be better off by all metrics and still horribly resent their situation.

/r/AskAnAmerican Thread Parent