Should I quit my internship?

Let’s be honest, I didn’t do well when I was the an undergrad,I pretty much didn’t study at all and was facing different problems. But thanks to being lazy, I developed some ... let’s just say unique studying skills that help me doing quite well as a postgrad without spending the amount of time that a postgrad should. These will save you time: - Do the lectures recorded? Watch them instead of going to class. I pretty much watch all of the lectures on x1.5 - x2 speed while commuting for 2h a day on the train

  • Do not write study notes. You should if you have time. But active recall is way more effective. Use flash card software.

  • Do write time practice math problems

  • Dont go to tutorial IF AND ONLY IF they give out solutions. Most theory base tutorial often takes 1-2h but you can view the solution under 15’. Document them in flash card. ACTIVE RECALL

  • Just ask the tutor if you can have tutorial solutions because you are working and don’t have time going to class. You are paying for education , the worst thing they can do is refuse

  • I don’t go to programming lab. Because I found googling is essential skill for dev and almost always google can give you a better faster answer then any tutor could. And I can stay more focus plus save time goin to class

  • Do go to class if you don’t feel confident about the subject. But usually, you will find away to gain confident and study on your own time

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