Shut Up & Sit Down takes down Cards Against Humanity

Also, I think the game just generally contributes to toxic nerd communities of privileged white dudes who are like "but my freedom of speech I'm not racist the game suggested it!" IF YOU LOVE A GAME THAT IS MOSTLY ABOUT MAKING RACIST JOKES, YOU ARE MAYBE KIND OF RACIST. That's all I'm saying.

Can we ditch this crappy argument please?

Look I don't like Cards Against Humanity - I fall in line with I think 99% of the people here (and you) in that, I'd rather be playing something with a bit more meat in it. I'd rather be dungeon-crawling, or deckbuilding. It's not even my kind of comedy - I prefer observational comedy.

But I have had 3 groups of people I've played the game with. The first was a large group of asians from my high school (I was literally the only white person present), and a dominantly female group. The 2nd group was a group of feminists at my old workplace, most of them describe themselves as feminists, and because my old workplace used to be a progressive media studio, among that group were women's studies students, etc. I dunno how women's studies is where you are but here they teach them about pretty much all equality, intersectionality, all that good stuff, etc.

The final group was the "femsoc" group at my university - again, feminist, social justice (not this term pejoratively), and a mix of minorities and not minorities. It seems I pretty much only hang around ultra-progressives.

They all enjoyed the game far more than I did. Especially in that last example the woman who brought the game and its expansions was a bisexual racial minority. I'm not saying this to defend myself, or the game - as said, it's not my thing... but are you seriously going to insinuate that all these people are "MAYBE RACISTS!!!"?

Like, yes, I know your defense will be "but it's technically true!" - but seriously, if you breathe air, you "ARE MAYBE A RACIST" - and yet we don't use breathing as a litmus test for racism, if you wipe your ass after using the toilet you "ARE MAYBE A SEXIST".

Like how low of an opinion do you have of people that you think they can't tell the difference between "hey this is a game that is designed to be inflammatory so stuff said here isn't what anyone really things", and "hurr durr walking down the street hey! can I talk about killing black people now?!?!". Let the adults player their stupid game while also acknowledging that it's problematic.

It's a shitty thing to do to make blanket statements and then see if it sticks to people, putting them on the defensive. Save allegations of sexism/racism for when someone is actually a shitty person, rather than "omg you play cards against humanity??!?!"

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