Sincere question regarding passed ancestors/family, spiritual connections to the dead and animals.

I have absolutely no idea as the only indigenous family I had kept in contact with lightly as I grew older was my father's mother and she died over 3 years ago. My father is still alive, but I do not keep contact with him bc of personal reasons. And I have no idea where the rest of my indigenous family even are or if all of them are still alive. I was primarily raised by my white family, so I am at a complete loss of connection to my culture and heritage. My younger sister, is the one who told me of the Shawnee heritage bc her mother had finally gone through HER dead mother's stuff recently and found extremely old cultural Shawnee items and found some along with Cherokee pieces in my grandmother's things and their identification cards. Although I knew I was already Cherokee because she had told me before she passed. I only ever got to experience minimal Cherokee traditions with her as I didn't see my indigenous family much growing up. That's why I'm so lost and disconnected from my heritage, I know absolutely nothing about half of myself... And I don't understand what any of this may mean. I just know I'm eastern Cherokee and apparently Shawnee.

/r/Indigenous Thread Parent