[Skin concerns] Keloids everywhere! Need serious help/suggestions. NSFW

Long time lurker of this sub and my advice may get downvoted, but I'm compelled to participate this one time. You hit the nail on the head when you said topical creams don't do jack shit. That's because this is an internal problem. One that has to do with digestive problems and nutritional deficiencies that are causing resultant toxicity to manifest on the skin - the skin after all is our largest organ who's primary function (one of) is the removal of toxicity from the body.

I would start with looking at your diet. Chances are you have a very standard American diet that is high in calories but low or insufficient in nutrients. Processing excessive empty calories is extremely taxing on your body especially when paired with nutritional deficiency. Here is my advice:-

1) FAST! I don't mean completely, but stop overloading your body with unnecessary calories right now! No more simple carbohydrates - sugars, breads, pastas, etc. Stop eating milks and eggs also for now. You can slow reintroduce milk and eggs into your diet eventually but right now, while we don't know if your body is allergic to them, it is better to cut it off directly. Try it. Fast for 24 or even 48 hours and you might notice that, although existing keloids and acne are still present, the appearance of new keloids and acne will come to a stop. If you stop putting junk IN your body, junk will stop appearing ON your body. I'm sure your used to seeing new pimples form on your body every day now. This doesn't have to be a daily occurrence.

2) Start a supplementary program. Unfortunately the foods that proliferate our supermarkets, even our vegetables, are so lacking in nutrients that we have no choice but to get all our essential vitamins and minerals from supplements. Our vegetables are not enough because our soils have been depleted of minerals, and don't even get me started on our animal produce because those animals are fed from corn and soy grown on the same depleted soils. Here's what I suggest you get on ASAP; - vitamin C 5,000 to 10,000mg a day; - zinc 50mg a day; - find a good probiotic supplement (50-80 billion units of multiple strains); - vitamin E 400-1,200 IUs a day; - vitamin A 20,000 IUs a day; - a good vitamin B complex but specifically you want to ensure you get a good dose of B5 (100-200mg x 3 times a day). - Selenium (600mcg a day). - MSM ( 200mg a day). - a good quality fish oil for your essential fatty acids. You can take all of these while "fasting." I would recommend replacing meals with vegetable juices (not V8! And not fruit juices!) get a blender and blend up spinach, kale, etc. you also can lightly steam crucifer our vegetables like cauliflower or broccoli and put some butter on them. But for now, try and reduce calorie intake as much as possible. Think more nutrient less calories!

3) do some form of exercise to promote lymphatic drainage. Jump rope, trampoline or just jumping jacks are good. Do this at home in your room for 5-10 minutes once or twice a day. Also practice deep breathing techniques. Your body has two main response systems - a stress (flight or fight) response system and a relaxation or parasympathetic system. Engage your relaxation system as much as possible. It gets easier with practice and the benefits on the body are unimaginable. From lowering blood pressure to reducing unwanted inflammation.

4) stop using harsh chemicals on your skin. The acid mantle on your skin is very delicate. It looks like you have combination skin. Does your face get dry and tight after a shower such that it even hurts to smile widely, but quickly becomes a oil field afterwards? I personally only use honey to cleanse my skin, it takes getting used too but I absolutely love it now. You can mix cinnamon powder in the honey to exfoliate. If you ever want to use a mask, look up bentonite clay and mix it with apple cider vinegar. Bentonite clay is a powerful "re-mineralizer" and great for the skins health. The only topical creams I use is vitamin C and vitamin E creams. As far as I know, they are the only two things that truly penetrate the upper layers of the skin and bring about changes. Benzoyl peroxide also does but it's too toxic for me personally. There's some value at looking at turmeric also.

I wouldn't put so much attention on topical ointments as much as I would your diet for now though. The good news is that this is reversible and it is reversible starting NOW! I say reversible because you weren't born like this. It's going to take time for you to return to health buy you WILL return to health. There is no "cure," because not one thing is going to fix u overnight. But you can reverse this brother. Your body is designed to heal itself.

I believe many of your keloids will leave nasty and unsightly scars even way after you've healed, hopefully by then your financial circumstances have changed that you can afford cosmetic surgery, but it will be no where as bad as it is now and it's more important that we stop all formation of new keloids.

You can pm me if you have more questions. No I'm not a doctor. I'm not dietician, but I can point you to resources that can help you. Get on the supplementary program today! Nothing I suggested is terribly expensive, especially considering this is your health we are tAlking about.

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