Socially adept people of Reddit, What are some mistakes you see socially awkward people making?

Some people are good at guaging the emotions of others. If you don't seem to be one of these people, don't try and be in charge of group activities. If you aren't a great listener who can remember at least three facts about everyone you know, organizing group events is not for you.

Time and Time again I see certain of my friends try and throw parties, organize outings, and nobody comes. Its not because we don't like you. It's because we know you don't have the ability to plan beyond yourself. You don't take our interrests and desires into account. We know that a party thrown by you will have your favorite foods, and nothing else (if you even remember that people besides you will be hungry). We will watch your favorite movies and do exactly what you like. Yes, I know you think you have awesome taste, but the truth is, everyone is different. We know you will spend the party intently trying to get us to love what you love, which comes off as pushy..and forget completely about your friend who is a diabetic and needs a cooler for insulin shots, and your friend who doesn't drink anymore, and your friend who can't stand loud music. We know you will try and pressure us to stay later than we want to, forget to organize rides, and generally not take care of us.

People that are good at throwing events mostly spend the entire time trying to figure out what their guests would like. When I throw an awesome party I remember what mixed drinks and beer or wine my friends prefer. I know who is proud of their new DJ mix (and ask them to pop it in) I will have snacks at midnight when everyone is starting to get a little too drunk. I will have pepto and asprin on the counter. I take keys from my friends that are too drunk, I put blankets over the sleeping, and I have a dark quiet room for anyone that needs a breather.

If you're wondering why no one comes to your parties, that's why

/r/AskReddit Thread