Soda scores a casual 0.067% chance for this to happen

its not the rng that is the issue, its how it is used. if they balance out the rewards with the punishment for missing a random percentage check, the game becomes much less frustrating without removing the novelty of random events.

one great example is the graze mechanic from the Xcom2 Long war Mod. Any roll that would land within 10% of the percentage chance would turn into a grazed shot, which deals roughly half damage. For example if your hit chance is 50%, any random target value between 40% to 60% would always turn into a grazed shot. This removes the situations where 3 of your soldiers miss an easy target in a row. If they are vaguely accurate with their guns, they will never deal 0 damage on an attack. On the other hand this also removes useless low% shots. If you have at least a 1% chance of hitting your target (you cannot initiate an attack at 0%), you'd essentially have a 11% chance to deal partial damage.

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