Sofia Coppola erased Black women from 'The Beguiled' because white women always have to be victims

It doesn't have to be anything at all though. Anyone can make any kind of movie

And anyone can critique it. Especially a film that is a remake of Clint Eastwood's original (which actually had black women) and sells itself as being a historical portrayal. Clint is a actually a director with talent though, so.

Just because she is making a movie about women during the civil war doesn't mean it has to be accurate (unfortunately).

Ah white washing. You know, why do I have a feeling that is all the directors decided to erase women in general (wait, let put it in context that would actually make you care) if all directors decided to erase white women, why do I have a feeling you would be upset by that?

Don't blame me, this is all just Sofia, if she hadn't claimed to be directing a remake of Clint Eastwood's original (more accurate) film, and called herself a feminist, no one would be going at her and critiquing her thought this lens. Unfortunately feminists are held to a higher standard than their piece of shit white male counterparts. White women can be pieces of shit too (they have been for many years, its part of white culture to genocide, enslave and erase other human beings off the earth who don't look like them, all because of some innate feeling that the earth belongs to them, and they are superior to everyone else. So those who get slaughtered..deserve it)

You obviously have just painted me as being some white supremacist, which is absolutely insane.

No you aren't a white supremacists, your defending just allows white supremacy to survive.

It's conversations like this that have Jordan Peterson all up in arms over sjw extremism and censorship.

You know whats funny, its not that people have suddenly become social justice warriors, its that in this age, where everyone now has a platform (due to twitter, instagram ,Facebook etc) people are given voices and allowed to stand up for themselves. You see, before…the marginalized didn't have voices, they were just silenced.

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